Many professionals and business owners I talk with have a valid concern about getting started in social media marketing. They feel they don’t have time for it. I understand this. Time is valuable.
I was talking with a girl just a minute ago, and I want to share my reply to her with you. She is in real estate and wants to start engaging clients and prospects more online, which is very smart. But she’s concerned, as so many people are…about how to make time to do all this stuff I talk about. Following is my response to her. Let me know what you think!
Just a matter of integrating it into what you’re already doing. Lifecasting is just a discipline, and it’s powerful, because it enables you to engage with people on a large scale. Previewing a home? Video it. Answering a question by email? Copy and paste it into a post. Repurposing is key. You’re already producing ALL the content you need to share online, so on one hand it takes a lot of time. It does. It also doesn’t take much time at all, because you’re already doing it
Does this jive with how you feel about social media marketing? Do you struggle with how to make time for social media marketing? Let me know what you think!