Chiropractors are affiliate marketers. Did you know that? So are personal trainers. So are many professionals in many other industries. Not only are they affiliate marketers…they are BETTER at it than most internet marketers.
An effective approach to selling other people’s stuff…
Imagine going to your chiropractors office for a visit. Your neck has been killing you, and he helps you out a great deal. He says you’ve most likely been sleeping in a poor position, which is why you’ve been to see him several times with the same issue. He recommends a special pillow would really straighten you out so you don’t have to come see him as often about your neck pain. This is a guy you trust whom you’ve been visiting a while, and he’s offering you a way to feel better…what are the chances you’ll make the purchase?
I don’t know about you, but this happened to me, and I bought it immediately. I even take it with me on the road. Not only has it helped me a great deal, but I regularly refer new business to this chiropractor, because he has helped me so much.
We buy stuff, within reason, from people we know and trust almost…without hesitation. Most of us struggle hard with affiliate marketing. Ironically when done well, it’s the easiest extra income you can earn.
Affiliate marketing shouldn’t be a struggle. It should be easy money. Think about it. My chiropractor get more referrals from me in exchange for making more money from me by selling me stuff! That’s affiliate marketing at it’s best.
Why Most Internet Marketers Seem to Struggle with Affiliate Marketing
So why do most internet marketers struggle with selling affiliate products? Because their approach is completely different. Most of us place banner ads on our site, place links throughout our site (or worse…far worse…just blindly blast them out on Twitter) and basically hope and pray people click on them and make purchases. As long as you’re cool with a .03% conversion ratio, then that’s great…you’re all set π But most of us want better results than that.
Readers on this site who only stop by every once in a while and who don’t know me very well don’t get many affiliate messages from me. I have no banner ads on this site, and I only very rarely post any articles to the blog that contain affiliate links. I suppose my approach is different than some, but I’d love your thoughts on it…my approach is much more like that of my chiropractor’s. When I’m working with a client or interacting with a subscriber about a particular issue, I will refer them to an affiliate when it’s appropriate and when I honestly feel it will be helpful. The result? They shoot over and buy it. Almost every time.
This is my tactic…it’s just a matter of math. You can get a .03% conversion (or whatever) from a banner ad, and if you’re pulling in mad traffic, then maybe that makes sense. For me and my clients who are interested in being way more efficient than that, personal interactions and relationships seem to pay a much higher dividend.
Does this make sense? What are your thoughts?