I remember my first blog. I poured my heart into that thing. Never really made much money but I met cool people from all over the world, and it was a lot of fun.
I logged on the check comments one fine morning, and I was confused by what I found. There were no comments. None. There were also no articles. In fact, there was no website at all.
There was however a big ass picture of Darth Vader.
I sat there staring at Darth for a bit. I was in disbelief. My website was gone. Where the heck was it? I remember looking over my shoulder and around the room in confusion, as if that was going to shed some light on the matter.
The reality was clear. I had been hacked. Big time.
Let’s be real. This is a pretty extreme case. Most hacks are far less extreme. I had a friend check her site one day to find various obscene words placed randomly throughout her site. At least she still had her website 🙂
Here’s the thing: security is usually the last thing we want to think about when it comes to running a website or blog. Especially when you’re a busy business owner.
But it’s absolutely crucial. And the truth is that protecting your blog is actually pretty simple.
Over the next few articles here, I’m going to lay out a few very simple and effective ways you can prevent 99.9% of the attacks you’re bound to experience.
This is an important series of posts! Make sure you’re subscribed, so you don’t miss any of these. You need to know that if you’re running a website these days, it will be attacked. It’s not a matter of if…it’s only a matter of when.
Don’t let Darth Vader take over your website! I will show you the way. May the force be with you.
Here are the articles in the series:
- https://www.dangeroustactics.com/login-lockdown-blog-security-series/
- I will post the new articles here as they are published 🙂